
Explosion-proof motor industry in China will develop greatly in the 13th Five-Year Plan


Recently, a symposium on the development of explosion-proof motor industry in the 13th five-year plan was held in Fushun, Liaoning Province, hosted by the China Coal Machinery Industry Association, the meeting summed up the "12th five-year plan" China's explosion-proof motor industry made progress and the lack of development, but also layout of the "fifteen" explosion-proof motor industry development. At present, China is the largest producer of explosion-proof motor, the product quality and international similar products, some close to the international advanced level, is expected to reach the world leading level at the end of the "13th five-year plan" .

Industry status, motor industry is a traditional industry, is the basic industry of the national economy, explosion-proof motor is the beginning of the 21st Century 70's, in order to meet the development of China's coal, petrochemical industry development and development of special motor, is the use in the above-mentioned industry fans, pumps, compressors, machine tools in the main power equipment. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, more and more explosion-proof motors are needed in petrochemical and coal industries, which promotes the development of China's explosion-proof motor industry. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 100 enterprises manufacturing explosion-proof motors and 77 members of the explosion-proof Motor Association in China, most of which not only produce explosion-proof motor products, but also ordinary motor products, coal Mine Professional Motor production enterprises accounted for about 15% .

The rapid development of the economy of the growing demand for energy, coal, petroleum, chemical industry operating conditions significantly improved. At the same time, coal, petroleum and chemical industries pay more and more attention to safety and production efficiency, the demand for explosion-proof motor is increasing. This year, the main users of explosion-proof motor industry generally poor operating results, resulting in the entire explosion-proof motor industry market demand shrinking, industry competition intense, the overall economic benefits continued to decline, operating pressure increased. According to the statistics of 22 enterprises, the output of explosion-proof motor decreased slightly in the first half compared with the same period of last year, the order volume and sales volume decreased by 13% and 8.7% respectively, and the inventory of finished products increased significantly Explosion-proof Motor Products Fall in volume and price, resulting in explosion-proof motor sales output decline more; due to the decline in production and sales scale, and costs, costs continued to increase, resulting in a sharp decline in profits. The overall operating quality of the industry economy declined year-on-year. In the first half of the year, the industry's total output was 28.92 million kW, a decrease of 2.61 million kW compared with the same period last year, a decrease of 8.3 percent; the output of explosion-proof motors was 5.42 million kW, a decrease of 1.2 million kW compared with the same period last year, a decrease of 18.1 percent; the output of high-voltage explosion-proof motors was 2.59 million kW, a decrease of 450,000 kW compared with the same period last year, the output of low-voltage explosion-proof motors was 2.32 million kW, a decrease of 560,000 kW, a decrease of 24.3% ; the sales of explosion-proof motors were 5.35 million kW, a decrease of 1.37 million kW, a decrease of 20.4% ; the cumulative order of explosion-proof motors was 4.46 million kW, a decrease of 1.23 million kW, a decrease of 21.5% . The sales revenue of motor products in the first half of 2015 was 5.25 billion yuan, down 770 million yuan from the same period last year, a decrease of 12.9 percent. The sales output value of explosion-proof motor products by industrial enterprises in the first half of 2015 was 5.34 billion yuan, down 730 million yuan from the same period last year, the market performance of explosion-proof motor industry is worse than that of motor industry. At present, China's annual demand for explosion-proof motors is about 20 million kW, of which about 7 million kW are high-voltage explosion-proof motors, accounting for 28% of the annual demand for explosion-proof motors, large Motor market concentration is high, small and medium-sized motor market concentration is low, fierce competition.

Enterprises Lack of R & D capacity, product technology content is low, poor competitiveness, in the last two years, there are enterprises in the state of production or semi-production. Industry enterprises into a shuffle phase. According to the statistics of industrial products, the output of flameproof low-voltage motor accounts for 86% of the whole flameproof motor market. Meeting the requirements of current standards. According to the National Energy Efficiency Standard Gb18613, in July 2016, the efficiency index of the motor should meet the requirement of Grade 2 energy efficiency. At present, the explosion-proof Motor Branch has organized the industry backbone to complete the development of YBX3 series products, and through the industry appraisal, industry enterprises are digesting the production stage. It will replace YB3 series flameproof three-phase asynchronous motor to meet the requirement of energy saving and emission reduction. Flameproof motor, there are coal mine motor industry production of various types of coal mine special motor. It is expected that the development of China's explosion-proof motor industry after decades of production practice, from technical design to manufacturing processes have become mature, especially the level of technical design, has reached the level of similar products abroad, have the ability to develop all kinds of explosion-proof motor. The manufacturing process of the products is also constantly improving.

At present, the main factor affecting the level of small and medium-sized motors in our country is the instability of raw materials, especially the quality difference of Silicon Steel Sheet. In addition, the technical transformation of motor investment is generally less, the proportion of general equipment parts processing, precision is not high motor quality is one of the reasons. In addition, the industry as a whole manufacturing technology level and foreign advanced level still have a gap. To solve these problems, not only the efforts of explosion-proof motor industry, but also the support of other supporting industries. Because our country explosion-proof electric production enterprise pays more and more attention to the product quality, strictly controls the quality, the explosion-proof electric appliance product quality level unceasingly enhances, effectively has promoted the coal mine, the petrochemical industry safety situation rapid improvement. The main results are that the number of deaths and injuries has been greatly reduced, and the safety situation continues to develop in a good direction.

China Coal Machinery Industry Association President Jang Yong told reporters: "In recent years, China's explosion-proof motor industry has developed rapidly, product output continued to expand, the national industrial policy encourages the development of explosion-proof motor industry to high-tech products, and domestic enterprises have increased new investment projects and investments. ". Investors are paying more and more attention to the explosion-proof motor industry, and the research on the key fields and investment opportunities of the explosion-proof motor industry has become a hot topic during the 'fifteen' period. In the future, during the 'fifteen' period, China's explosion-proof motor industry has great potential for development. "
